Racism at The Second City

This is all I’ll say.

I worked at The Second City for around 20 years in various capacities. Give or take.

It is an intense, complicated relationship. More people come out of it with lasting conflict than not.

I stand on no ground to question anyone’s experience there, and there are few people, if any, who do.

That said, it’s hard to watch this. Because the best thing about the place is the people you take with you. All of the talk of the institution and the work… that is all secondary to the people.

This is necessary. It has to happen, and it’s been a long time coming.

I haven’t walked through those doors in over a decade, and I doubt I will. It’s not a healthy place for me. It took me a very long time to sort that out, and I still struggle with it. The reasons are more about what I wanted, and at times was led to believe I would have, versus the reality.

That’s a very common story. I’m not unique.

I’m a white guy. The fact is, for whatever difficulties I may have, whatever perceived slights or harm, I have never once thought about the color of my skin in that context. Not once.

That is white privilege. Even as personal as some of the weirdness was, it never involved the color of my skin. That is something that didn’t happen to me.

That is my experience. I stand on no ground to question anyone else’s experience. Few people, if any, do.

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