A friend of mine posted about depression, and the need to mask that depression behind a veneer of happiness.

Here are my thoughts. 

Let go of that stigma. It has no validity. 

I have been in treatment for severe clinical depression for decades, and it was my constant companion for years before I started treatment. Giving up that stigma was a milestone. 

You are not your depression. It does not define you, and it does not diminish you. 

And you are far from alone. Talk about it. Openly and honestly. There are people out there who don’t get it because we are silent, and in talking about it you become a beacon to those whose struggle with it but have not found their voice.

You don’t have to hide. You are among people who love you even when you can’t love yourself. 

We see you. The whole you.

It is a process, and everyone’s process is different. A lot of coping with depression is the discovery of your process. 

The most important thing, for me, was the realization that I could mould certain parameters of my depression. I  was in charge of how much weight the opinion of others had. I was in charge of how I myself view my depression.

And don’t get me wrong…I fail at this. A lot. I have days when it’s nothing but self loathing and flagelation. I still have the suicidal moments. But waiting at the other side of that is the reality of depression. My place in it, and its place in me. 

Depression is brain chemistry and synaptic paths as manipulated by patterns of thought. That’s it. 
Meds can help level out the chemistry so you are able to do the real work. Identifying those repetitive negative thoughts. Those lies you tell yourself…the fiction you write about who you are.

Those thoughts have created synaptic responses which feed that chemical warfare. When you can spot those entrenched negative thoughts which have forged your toxic synapses you can replace them. In time, those synapses can be taught to respond to different thoughts. More realistic self assessments. 

This is not easy. It is hard as hell. But it can be done. You are capable of doing it.

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